Wednesday, January 25, 2012



45 * 10
95 * 6
135 * 3
185 * 3
205 * 6
225 * 2, 2, 2
205 * 2
185 * 6
135 * 6

135 * 6
185 * 3
205 * 3

Leg press
270 * 10
450 * 6
360 * 6
270 * 6

EZ bar curl
60 * 10
80 * 6
100 * 6, 3, 3
80 * 6
50 * 10

135 * 10
185 * 10
225 * 10
275 * 8
295 * 8, 6 (YAY wrist straps!)

Ready for change. I know I should be really happy that all my main lifts have stayed the same or gone up slightly as I've lost more than 50 pounds. I'm just tired of writing the same numbers in my notebook  week after week. I'm approaching my goal body fat percentage, but it's been tough staying focused.

In the next couple of months, the balance should start tipping the other direction, as my body weight levels off. Then I can really start pushing for bigger numbers. Short term (~6 month) goals: bench 245 for reps, deadlift 275, squat 250 for reps.

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