Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Tough workout today. Couldn't get to the squat rack for a bit, so I warmed up doing some hack squats. I hate hack squats. They fatigued me a bit more than I expected, so my last work set of squats felt really heavy. Skipped the rack pulls and opted for just a couple sets of deads; they felt pretty good.


Hack squats
Bar * 10
50 * 6
90 * 6
140 * 6

135 * 6
185 * 6
195 * 6
205 * 6, 2, 2, 2

Crunch machine
125 * 15, 15, 15

135 * 6
185 * 6

BB curl
45 * 10
65 * 6
85 * 6
105 * 6, 2, 2, 1 <-- PR

Calf raise
300 * 12, 12, 12

I'm giving thought to tweaking my routine a little bit next cycle. The movements would stay the same, but the rep range would go up a bit. E.g. All exercises done in the 10-12 rep range until week 4, where I would try for 3-6RM in all exercises. Then a deload week, and start over. I don't know why, but I really enjoy the 10-12 rep range. It feels like I can focus a bit more on form, and all the reps feel stronger, even though I'm going to failure. We'll see...this routine is treating me well so far.

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