Friday, December 9, 2011


Something that I know plagues me in the gym is focus. Focus on what exercise I'm doing, focus on my routine, even focus on my overall goals. To elaborate, it's easy for me to forget what my long-term goals with respect to weight training are. Mainly, I want to build size. I'm not in this to be the next big powerlifter. However, once you get in the gym or cruise the forums and see the weights the other guys are lifting, it's easy to lose focus.

My last 4 week cycle, I was really focused on the weight I was doing, and not the muscles I was trying to build. The bigger the number I was able to lift, the better I felt. But this really doesn't work towards my long-term goal. Yes, lifting progressively heavier weights certainly helps one get bigger. But focusing on the muscles I'm training instead of the weight I'm lifting would certainly serve me better.

In addition, I'm very tempted to want to try the next best routine; even though I know that consistency will do me a lot more good. Seeing people tout one routine or the other, this split or that, frequency vs. volume, etc. just gets me wanting to build another routine to try out. If I do that, though, I'll never actually try a routine out for a sufficient period of time to know if it was effective or not.

Finally, as I alluded to earlier, I have trouble focusing on the muscle I'm training while lifting. Instead, I find myself thinking about the next set, the next exercise, or even what the other guys in the gym are lifting.

This cycle I am determined to keep these things in check. My long-term goals are likely not going to change, so I am keeping my eye on the prize, so to speak. My routine is sound; many people have had plenty of success using this routine, myself included (albeit small gains only over 4 weeks). And I really don't need to think about what other guys are doing. Though it's hard, I'm learning to check my ego at the door, lift the weights that I need to lift (even if they sound light), focus on my training, and walk out the door feeling like I've accomplished something.

"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal."
-Vince Lombardi

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